Captain Beer is a hero for the average man. His slogan, "To set an example for every man!".
He is a husband and a father, but he doesn't let anything get in the way of him enjoying himself. His super power is the ability to get out of doing any household chore. His arch enemy, The evil Domesticity Queen.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Informed by
9:15 AM
Helens can't be wrong...
Bee Bop: beer, captain beer, family, illustration, illustration friday, loaf, superpower
Friday, January 12, 2007
It's blog time again and what I want to talk about tonight is a dream I had last year. It was the strangest dream I have ever had. Usually I brush dreams off as something stupid but this dream was like no other. It was one that stayed with me all day and even now, I get a really eerie feeling from it.
I dreamt that I was walking through a cemetery. Not any cemetery, but the cemetery that my father and most of his side of the family is buried in. It was dark and I was finding my way through and between the gravestones until I came across a string of some sort. When I looked up, I realized that it was a fishing line and there upon a gravestone was a boy. He was fishing in a pond that was on the other side of me. I said hello to him and asked him what he was fishing for. I forget the rest of what was said but I walked a little further. I was up near the front of the cemetery when the boy came walking though. I asked him if he caught anything and he said no but that he would try again tomorrow.
The dream continued of things I can't remember now but there was another part of the dream that is very clear to me. I was looking into the cemetery and as dark as it was, I could still see light beyond the trees and there was a glowing sillohette of my Dad. It was very blurry but he was telling me something about the boy that I seen fishing off of the gravestone. I cannot rememeber what he said.
So, I don't mean to creep anyone out with my weird dreams but it is something that I have been wondering about.
Informed by
3:38 PM
Helens can't be wrong...
Bee Bop: boy fishing, collage, dream, illustration, technique, weird