So I discovered this new music. Well I should say that Iain discovered it. The name of the band is the Kuricorder Quartet. Iain was doing his daily Deep Purple search (big fan) and he found this animated cartoon of nuts driving Ukuleles to the song Highway Star. We then searched more of this music and found this Quartet from Japan. I really love this music. It is just happy!
I think we are going to buy a Kuricorder CD from Amazon, we both really like this music.
In other news, I think I am going to try desperately hard to get back into my photography again. I was in Reids yesterday and was looking at an art magazine. There are so many things out there that I am missing. I think one of the reasons why I may have abandoned photography in the first place was because I was never allowed to do what I wanted with it. Granted, I did a lot of what I wanted with it, but it's everyone else. Everyone either wants you to take a picture of their wedding, baby or cat. They think you photograph everything just because you have a camera and everyone always has to have their input and critique of your work. Who's the professional anyway?
Anyway, looking at those magazines the other day really inspired me to get cracking at what I've been lacking!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Informed by
5:31 PM
Helens can't be wrong...
Monday, November 27, 2006
So here is a question. Why have I been dreaming in cartoon lately? The other night I had a dream that Simpsons creator Matt Groening made the world a 3-D cartoon. It was like this big event that was going to take place and I was in it, everyone was. I was with my husband and we were walking around when everything suddenly turned into a 3-D Simpsonesque type atmosphere. It was really strange. I kept staring at people and trying to touch their faces.
Then last night, I had a dream that I had this magic powder in a little brown envelope and when I would throw it on something, that something would turn into cartoon. I threw it on the grass and then the trees and suddenly I was throwing it on everything and turning my surroundings into a cartoon-like atmosphere. It was really quite neat.
So I wonder why I have been dreaming in such a way. It isn't the first time I have dreamt in cartoon but this was different. My world was becoming cartoon, It was changing. These two dreams that I have had make me think of my photostration which is the opposite of what I had dreamt about. For those of you who do not know what Photostration is, it is the process of placing a cartoon in a photograph. This process was quite successful for me. I even had it published in Photolife.
So what are my dreams telling me. Does anyone have a clue? because I certainly don't. The cow was not in my dream.
Informed by
8:05 AM
Helens can't be wrong...
Screw it!! I have never before had to find my creativity or get it back in anyway. I have just been very busy and have had no time to be creative. I work full time, school is also consuming a lot of my time and then when I get home at night, there is no time for me to sit down and be creative. I think it is going to come to me when I am ready.
What I would really like is for my husband to make butt loads of money so that I can stay home and just play all day. You never know, that could happen!! Or I guess, I could make a butt load of money somehow but that would mean that there would have to be 48 hours in a day.
So this would be my dream.. for me to be a successful children's writer/illustrator and that would be my full time gig. I have so many ideas that I want to get started on but alas, there is no time. A lot of people would probably tell me that if I wanted it bad enough that I would have to make time. I am sorry to all of those who may say something stupid like that but I am a somewhat of a selfish person. Not that is all about me or anything, I would do nearly anything for someone else but I am not about to work myself to the bone in order to steer myself into a world of never seeing my husband and never enjoying myself. What I want to get myself is a grant so I can develop my many ideas. To get a grant would allow me to quit my job and work on my many ideas from home.
So what am I going to do next you ask? I am going to look into the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick and see about getting myself a grant! That would be lovely. So that is what I am going to do. This blog is finished.
Informed by
6:02 AM
Helens can't be wrong...
Bee Bop: I want to quit my job