Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I wish I could think as clearly as when I am sleeping. Like I said in a previous post, dreaming can summin creativity. As the complicated creature that I am, ( a woman), I am constantly thinking. I think about everything, meaning that I also worry about everything. Sometimes I have so much going on in my head that I wish I could simply turn it off, and I can... if I only go to sleep. However, I wouldn't get much done if I went to sleep everytime I became overwhelmed as a result of my mind being in overdrive.

When I sleep, it's a different story. Everything slows down (obviously) and I concentrate on things such as homework, work and other issues that have been on my mind. I also dream about things that make absolutely no sense to me, but on the other hand, represent some sort of creativity. Last weekend for instance, just before I woke up in the morning, I was dreaming that I had just washed my hair and it was up in a towel when I took it down out of the towel, my hair looked exactly like an ice cream cone. I had blond and brown hair and it was shaped exactly like soft serve ice cream.

So, I imagine that this tangent is a result of the time of year. This time of year is never good for me, many reasons of which I can't explain but more so because of the stress involved. Work has been incredibly busy, I've left most of my school work on the back burner until now, Christmas, Money, car inspection... the list goes on and on. Anyway, everything always seems to work out one way or another. I just get myself in a stew for no reason at all. I am looking forward to Christmas but I am looking even more forward to the New Year.


Moxy Ness said...

I have been meaing to tell you this for a while now. That was not a dream. You do have ice cream for hair. Sorry.

Moxy Ness said... are the most creative person I know. We both know its about to explode out of you...lets just hope it doesen't melt your ice cream hair.

mandos touchy subjects said...

Dreams can be helpful for homework Sometimes I'll have a problem with something and the solution just wouldn't come to me. But In the middle of a dream the answer pops up and life becomes happy.

Or as you said they can be screwed up. I had one dream where everyone I knew had switched genders Including myself...It was strange because life went on like normal.
Plus there are the occasional dreams that strangely predict future events I don't like to call them premonitions because I don't consider myself Psychic.

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