Monday, December 18, 2006

Ok! Brand New Day..... tomorrow. Brand new day tomorrow. Today I got all of my homework in and now I just have to sort of work myself into a partial coma in order to get through the next couple of days. I am really looking forward to holidays. I am getting out of the city for 12 days and I don't have to think about work or school or anything in between!! Woo hoo!

So, not sure if this blog project is continuing into the next semester but if it does, I am changing my topic. I want to have free range... like a chicken! I don't want to be limited to the one thing that is frustrating me. There are other things that I would rather discuss... like news, the ridiculous dreams that I have which by the way I have been having not-so-cartoonish ones lately but apocolyptic ones. I have an apocolyptic dream about once a month or so.... anyway, I am getting off topic. There are so many ideas to be had out there, so I am just going to write about anything that comes to mind.

Cheers and have a great holiday!

1 comment:

Cornelius T. Fish said...

i have tagged you, you are IT

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